Our Premium Calculator makes it easy for you to design your own long-term care insurance policy online. But before you start, here are some important points to consider:
- Use the Nursing Home Table to find the average nursing home cost in your state. Some people choose to insure the full cost of nursing home care; most choose to self-insure a portion of the cost that represents expenses they would no longer have, then insure the rest.
- In determining the right level of coverage for yourself, consider your family's health history and longevity.
- You and your partner may elect different coverage options, depending on your needs and budget.
- The cost of waiting to obtain coverage is significant. The longer you wait, the more coverage you'll need to purchase because of the increasing cost of long-term care. Also, the older you get, the more expensive coverage becomes. Please review our Cost of Waiting Analysis for details as you Calculate Your Premium.
- Because eligibility for coverage is based on your medical history, waiting increases the chance that you won't qualify for coverage due to a medical condition or disability.
- Rates provided in the Premium Calculator are representative of the insurance company's Standard Rates and are net of the group sponsored discount for your company. However, depending on your health and medical history, you may qualify for an additional Preferred Health discount. Contact Us for details.